
More on "Street" by jim lehmann

in previous blogs I have spoken to several things that make for better ‘street work’…. One of them being ‘choosing the correct gear’ (camera and lens), while the other is access. So read a few blogs behind this one.

Another ‘street’ element to take into account is “Time’….

The same can be said for just about any venture one does for pleasure or work, but having the time and spending the time in the field is critical. If you are not ‘out there’, you won’t capture any images. That seems pretty basic. But surprisingly I see many people who want to be street photographers but rarely spend time in the field. Most lately, and one that directly relates to me is that I have a local meet-up group here in Tucson and soon-to-be in Philadelphia, and although multiple folks belong to the group and perhaps comment on photos, or post one or two of their own, rarely do they actually go ‘in the field’…

Without going into the field, essentially there is no growth opportunity. How can you get the hang of choosing the right gear etc, or….gaining access to a situation; if you are not on the street frequently. Being on the street allows me to see if the camera I brought along is worthy of what I am trying to capture. Or, the lens I have…. I know for a fact that when I go into a ‘parade’ situation or busy streets, that many times it is best to have at least a 50mm lens, and sometimes a 75-85mm. How did I figure that out? I know the way I prefer to shoot; I know what I am trying to capture….and by trial and error, I fknow my optimum focal length depending on the situation.

Without being on the street frequently and putting my time in, how do I learn how to gain access to some very tricky situations? How to shoot in a dark alley and be safe? How to be around groups of people at night? How to shoot pretty girls and not offend them? How to shoot candid shots and less reliance upon posed shots? All of that begins with and ends with; yes…you guess it….putting the ‘time in’ your photography and learning what there is that needs to be learned.

So time….such an easy thing. Now, I also hear photographers who tell me that they are burned out and don’t feel like going into the streets. Well, perhaps….. Perhaps also that street photography isn’t for you. Or, perhaps they fail to realize that it isn’t always easy to build up motivation to ‘put in your time’. I suffer from that as we all do. This isn’t any different from a painter, or sculpture or any artist at work. Sometimes you don’t want to put in the time. I get it….but I also know that when those unmotivated days show up, the only way to get around them is simply to take camera+ lens + film and go out on the streets. Admittedly it is easy for me to do this while in Philly since my condo there is downtown, as opposed to getting into a car and driving to your destination. Still though…..ask yourself. Do you want to be a good street photographer and if the answer is yes, well….you know what is required of you.

My 'Half-Frame' Project by jim lehmann

My upcoming project (I always have one on the horizon) will utilize my 1960 circa Olympus Pen F half-frame. I am ultra pumped about this project as it will extend well into the entire 2024 year. Currently my Pen F is coupled with a 38mm lens which is the equivalent of 55mm in full frame. Having another Zuiko 55mm lens and having worked with that focal length on my OM-1 film camera, and having done so exclusively for my last project (Same Ole Shit), I am fully aware of what a 55 can do. But the 55 i used prior was for that OM and not this Pen F, but, the uniqueness of that focal length stands out. .

But now ladies and gents, please allow me to introduce to you the larger 60mm…..(85mm equivalent) which I will use to compliment the 55mm lens. . A minor issue I have ahead of me but yes; I still need to find a good copy of this lens. They are out there and can be had in excellent shape, and should be, given the $$$$. Another old but relatively rare Pen F lens, but ….it should be just about perfect for capturing my street images from just a bit further away, or street portraits.

As I approach my photography goals today, and I might add…I continue to grow in my craft…I seek to hone in on my projects using the right gear combo. Thus the Pen F half-frame and the 38/60mm lenses. Yet there is more, yes more….. How I ask, can one move forward with a project of this caliber with out a bit of fun built into it?

Fun, what is fun? What does fun look like in photography? Well, that varies…. but I know from past projects that that ‘fun’ involves motivation to get up daily and to hunt the streets. Go past the weather, the grime…the miles I walk and seek out compositions and scenes that match the project. That is the ‘fun…’

A 1.4 by jim lehmann

A few months back I wanted to shoot wide-open so I could garner that bokeh, …oh that all wonderful bokeh. Softness….blandness…..a blur, so as to hint at what the lens might be trying to hide…like a lady eyes; full of mystique. In order to dial into this pent-up desire, I needed not just a fast lens but also a manner in which I could use that lens to my advantage. Hence the first step.

I purchased a set of ND filters…..with stops of 2, 3 & 4 which enables me to attach to my lens to darken the amount of sun hitting. And being in Arizona…..I needed that. Hey, no problem shooting ‘closed’ at F16 in many cases, or F11, or F8, but neither garners that bokeh. With my filters I can now stop down several times enabling me to shoot wider.

At that time I had just one Zuiko under F2 which was my beautiful yet whacky 55mm F1.4 lens. I say whacky since the results were undeniably whacky, with stray light, glares….etc….but with my filters it also provided me with that wonderful, oh such wonderful and desirable bokeh. Simply outstanding. But my 55 has a slight issue with the tip of the lens having been dropped (oh no, not by myself….but purchased with this slight mar), and the ND filters are difficult to attach. They also are 55mm filters.

My remaining Zuikos, of of which I have countless…..all accept a 49mm filter. So I managed to capture a bit of bokeh with my 85mm F2 with ND’s and yes, I did obtain a bit of blur. But nothing whacky….nothing that I would visit my parent’s grave with and show to them.

So today……of all days, and just because…..I purchased a Zuiko F1.4 50mm (step 2) which will accept 49 ND filters. When this bundle arrives, and it will…..even though it is the season for lateness in packages (December), I will attach a #3 or #4 filter (depending on the sunlight) and shoot at 1.4 and be wide open ‘in the day’…... I am looking for that whacky feel, …a bit of bazarreness to it…an eccentric attitude…flaky, freaky, funky and kooky …..

I will dream well tonight….

Barnack's Update one day later by jim lehmann

I had a quick go at the Barnack’s. I loaded up a 24 roll of 400 film and managed to escape the house before the wife had me do more Xmas chores or cooking. Sometimes she just gets a bit too carried away. So a well needed break for me.

Just walked our downtown neighborhood in Philly as this is a condo we have here on the east coast. I love Philadelphia for the ‘ street shooting ops’ as I can’t get this character of a city back west. I shot 9 shots which is rather high considering I was only out shooting for 30 minutes before I made my way to the grocery to pick up stuff (never quite got away from chores).

Within that time frame of 30 minutes…my 9 shots were not of anything I would call as shots I might normally take but, I want to run thru this roll of film to see how shutter speed is, light leaks etc. I shot at around F11 although the dial goes from F9 up to F12 but there seems to be play in between and I can visually observe the opening and closing so suspect I was at F11 or just under. I was at ISO 400 and speed of 500 since it was a nice ‘cold’ but sunny day. I eventually moved down to F9 as well.

My distance calculations was set at 30 feet as I wasn’t stopping too much to talk or grab shots. Perhaps that is for tomorrow. But 30 feet was fine, and a few even at 50 feet as I took from a top of a building looking down. The distance markers on this camera start at 1.5 feet min focus and work up to 50 feet and then to infinity. My Barnack shows distance in ‘feet’ and doesn’t show meters so must have been a camera meant for America.

Impressions? Pretty easy. I have to manually advance the film and that is easy with just a complete turn. The camera provides me with a warning of sorts as the winding mechanism gets a bit ‘tight’ when it is shows 10 + over the actual number I should be at. So, if I shot 9 shots and I advance the film, as I advance the mechanism should tighten up a bit around 20, which is 10 above where it actually should be. Then just keep advancing until you get to your number.

The “F stop is a bit more difficult to adjust. It isn’t impossible but does take a bit of doing as the lever to chance on the lens is small, difficult to grasp, difficult to turn. They should have made that bigger but, hey….I am not Leitz/Leica and obviously this camera was a winner so who am I to judge.

The shutter knob is easy to use.

The optic viewfinder is clear and bright although it took some getting used to as I had to ‘think’ where to place my eye as I am used to M cameras and the placement of the viewfinder. I will get used to this I am sure. Framing in the viewfinder was no issue.

Moving the ‘distance’ to match what I want is not difficult either but one does have to be in good light to see the slotted dot where it corresponds to the distance number. In fact, I have found that I have to turn my camera to bring some light to not only that, but also the small arrow on the film advance as well. Maybe thru years of use, those became less pronounced.

Tomorrow will bring a more productive day as I will have more time to actually work with the camera and walk around more. I want to play with shorter distances and become more proficient at dialing in the F stop, and getting used to the viewfinder placement.

All in all….a positive. I love the uniqueness of it….relying upon distance for focus….the compactness of this camera, lightness….look and feel that I get from shooting it. Again, not going to replace my MA but will provide a twist upon shooting.