My 'Half-Frame' Project / by jim lehmann

My upcoming project (I always have one on the horizon) will utilize my 1960 circa Olympus Pen F half-frame. I am ultra pumped about this project as it will extend well into the entire 2024 year. Currently my Pen F is coupled with a 38mm lens which is the equivalent of 55mm in full frame. Having another Zuiko 55mm lens and having worked with that focal length on my OM-1 film camera, and having done so exclusively for my last project (Same Ole Shit), I am fully aware of what a 55 can do. But the 55 i used prior was for that OM and not this Pen F, but, the uniqueness of that focal length stands out. .

But now ladies and gents, please allow me to introduce to you the larger 60mm…..(85mm equivalent) which I will use to compliment the 55mm lens. . A minor issue I have ahead of me but yes; I still need to find a good copy of this lens. They are out there and can be had in excellent shape, and should be, given the $$$$. Another old but relatively rare Pen F lens, but ….it should be just about perfect for capturing my street images from just a bit further away, or street portraits.

As I approach my photography goals today, and I might add…I continue to grow in my craft…I seek to hone in on my projects using the right gear combo. Thus the Pen F half-frame and the 38/60mm lenses. Yet there is more, yes more….. How I ask, can one move forward with a project of this caliber with out a bit of fun built into it?

Fun, what is fun? What does fun look like in photography? Well, that varies…. but I know from past projects that that ‘fun’ involves motivation to get up daily and to hunt the streets. Go past the weather, the grime…the miles I walk and seek out compositions and scenes that match the project. That is the ‘fun…’