time warp

Encounterment Project by jim lehmann

The paranormal surrounds us….life as in death will haunt each. For those of us who are technically alive in ‘body and soul’….we encounter death or better yet, souls. For those who have physically passed away, they encounter life, although their souls might live on. It seems that neither wants the other. But it begs the question of why not?

Few among us will leave this world physically without an encounterment of sorts. I have seen votive candles (lit for two different people in memory) connect into one flame…have felt the presence of a body next to mine on a mattress as a depression occurred next to me. This is totally natural I believe. These two examples are ‘good examples’ where recently passed or loves ones long gone have returned. They left life peacefully and now come back not to haunt but to enrich.

The images displayed in the Encounterment Project are not paranormal, but mere abnormalizations found in photography thru the use of less light, less shutter speed…. But, they look cool. Walking down the street with my head glued to the sand and my brain entrenched in whatever, perhaps I pass by true paranormals on a daily basis, but just am not aware of it. So by utilizing less light and a slower shutter only allows me to perhaps envision what I don’t normally see.

There is an old Star Trek show….where there was a time warp of sorts. Some of the ship’s crew and visitors were taken off the regular ‘time warp’ and sped up by a nano-second. That ‘speed up’ in time allowed them to view their counterparts but they viewed them in slow motion. They could still see them but the extra nano-second in speed would not allow for cross communication. The counterparts which were a nano-second slower, didn’t have the ability to view their faster nono-second counterparts. Hence, one set could see the other while the other had no visual or knowledge of the faster set.

It might be the same with our interaction with paranormals. They might be on a different level or plane. They view us, interact with us all the time and yet, we on our plane can’t view or interact with them. We might try, but only by hap chance or if one of them elects to communicate with us, do we have success.

Welcome to Encounterments…...