The other day I was thinking of marketing some of my photo’s using ‘commerce’ here on Squarespace as well as putting together a zine or other products and web sites to get my work ‘out there’ other than just Squarespace. But the following thoughts occurred to me as I was looking over what might be needed in order to succeed.
First…what is the object? If the object is to make money, … I ruining the fun of photography by turning this into a ‘chore? I don’t need the money as I am comfortable with my existence now, and considering the effort needed to put a collection together of Instagram, Twitter, You Tube Channel…other social media etc., I have to ask again, is it worth it? No…. I see no reason to become such a ‘digital slave’ that I am selling my soul ‘digitally’ and not spending enough time either in the field taking photographs, or creating something hand-made and more analog.
Second, if the object is just to showcase my work; I have to ask why? Is this showcasing all about my ego? Is it an absolute need to expand my audience or admirers? All of us live in our own ‘personal’ commune or community, of sorts. Our private commune is composed of family, and a few good friends. Years back, that private commune might have even been limited to those living near us or in the same locale. But today we have expanded that to a global private commune. No reason to iive right by the person any more.
But to showcase my work, I would need to expand my commune and invite others (hundreds or thousands) into my world. Now, there is no way that the expanded population will ever equal my own ‘private commune of people’ but to showcase my work implies that I do expand. And it doesn’t just stop there. I expand, and expand and expand and am never happy with the numbers I have. I will constantly be expanding and looking for more. I will never be content with just a community of 1,000 if I am not content with a community of 100. So, my life is spend always looking to stroke my ego and expand my community. Just look at movie stars or musicians as they are always looking to get their name in lights and have people ‘follow’ them on Twitter. Enough is never enough.
Or, look at the rich. Having a million dollars is never something to be content with as they have to earn more. Even if they will never spend the money they have, the contentment of being satisfied with what you have, is simply not enough….Enough is never enough.
The idea I have realized is to accept who I am, my private commune….. I live in my cocoon. I am content within those around me. I see no reason to ‘over-reach’ because you never do really ‘need it’, as perhaps one just talks themselves into that need by giving into their ego.
So live within a small and private community. This is what I regard as true civilization. There is no need to branch out….print books, have photographic galleries… to impress others. There is no reason to have a never-ending sage of “enough is never enough’.
Third….as a footnote more than a true ‘third’,…when can I print or show a work or get some validation for my work and photography? Is it reasonable to assume that ‘that’ is okay from time to time? I tend to think so, yes. Validation of work…satisfaction from what I get when someone else likes it. Can I make a zine? Can I sell a photograph? Sure, why not…..but I want it done within the frameworks of my community, my private commune my form of civilization. A photograph might be shared at an art center gallery wall, or an online site as I have no problem with that. But I am not going to the point where my hobby becomes a chore, nor where I become that digital slave, nor…where I expand my commune, just to expand so I can stroke my ego.