Film Noir / by jim lehmann

I really enjoy film noir…. a few months ago I watched a movie called Curtiz… it was a Netflix movie produced in Hungary. A fantastic movie as Curtiz was the producer of Casablanca (Bogie and Bergman) and the movie follows the tumultuous filming of these academy award winner actors . During WW11, Hollywood was under great pressure to put forth their share of propaganda and this film strikes that accordingly. if you watch, I recommend you view both the original Casablanca and this film Curtiz, back to back…a double header.

One, if not….the best thing about the movie was the film noir feel… All Black and White and filmed I believe on original film stock….with ‘oh so delicious ‘ shadows and the video-graphy is simply superb with high contrast shots….dark backgrounds etc.

If you have any familiarity with my shooting style….you have pieced together my strong propensity of a preference that includes high contrast and noise, film grit, darkness etc…

Now where am I going with this? Well recently I received a small package for Czechia and it arrived. This package cost me $100 but well worth it. It is chalked full of expired 2007 Fomapan 35mm film in BW. Oh my…. did I just get to heaven? 20 rolls….yeah….20 rolls of 36 count equals over 700 upcoming shots. Expired film is one of a kind. In fact each roll, each 35mm negative is unique or can be. That is what I am counting on.

A bit of blur or messiness….grit….noise above normal dust…scratches, light leaks….mmmmmmm. Better than **X you say…well, could be. Imperfect bred to perfection.

Now I just have to decide on what ‘upcoming’ project to offer this film stock to? I have several…which one best fits and which lens, which camera…. I love it….