2020 / by jim lehmann

I stare at a blank screen for the longest time, just trying to grasp the title of ‘2020’ and attempt to understand it. I love to take images of society….to document human behavior but 2020 is abhorring. This viral infection found within our country today extends way beyond just the Covid 19 Virus, for this particular virus is eating away at the skin; the fabric….the tissues of American Society. Roughly 20% of the adult population (not voting population, but overall population) have succumbed to a ‘pretend leader’ who has brought democracy to its knees. Since they were born, these ‘20 %’ have locked their thoughts up behind the walls of their mind, and now, they have been allowed to escape those walls and roam freely, ….devastating to a democratic nation.

For years, they were ‘closet racists’…….pretending to be christians or fathers or grandmothers. For years they appeared from the ‘outside’ to be actual people as opposed to a dog inflicted with rabies. Now, free to harm….they harm freedom itself.

Though this might sound overly dramatic….is this how democracy ends? Do the closet racists, so few in numbers but loud with guns, violent actions and hatred thoughts trample the tenets of democracy? Or, will the masses…. speak?

The young ones….those who rush with ardor to fight for causes, usually trivial in nature….will they rush to vote and say ‘no’ to racism or will they too succumb but not to a ‘pretend leader’ but to their own apathy?

The old, well……they know better. They have experiences which have forced them to live in jaded terms with life. Some become twisted and bent and speak for racism, while much of the others take stance against. And then of course….there are so many, that lack insufficient funds in the brains that to cognitively think about ideas of such ‘high order’….they too, much like the young, fail to vote. But they fail to vote and speak their mind for their mind simply lacks, as opposed to those who are just apathetic.

It should be an interesting November…..