Just shoot Film if you Want 'IT" to look like Film...Dah!! / by jim lehmann

Years back I bought a new car…my first new car. This was in 1981. Yikes…. I wanted a Honda Sedan and when I went to the dealer, the cost of the new car was over my price point being around $6,000. My brother-in-law sold Subaru’s and convinced me that the Subaru Sedan was just like the Honda Accord and was $1000 cheaper, so I bought it. I wanted a Honda and got a Subaru. I can’t complain for I had that Subaru for 15 years so it was a good investment.

But the point was,…I wanted a Honda. I got a Subaru which at the time was a Honda Wanna-be. I learned my lesson 42 years ago. Buy a Honda if you want a Honda, or buy ‘anything’ you want if you want it and forget the ‘wanna-be’s’.

Point now……. I was watching some You Tube videos as people today are always trying to get a film like look/ experience….feel etc….from a Digital camera. They want digital but want it to be ‘film’ and look like film. Well, why go for the film-wanna-be in the first place? Buy a film camera and shoot film if you want film. Pretty easy; really.