Same Ole Shit

R0470079 Frida  2 JPEG.jpg
Staring out a Window JPEG.jpg
Shitstain JPEG 23.jpg
Lady Wall Mural Downtown 4 JPEG.jpg
Flowers that Can't Bloom 2bb JPEG 5.jpg
Suits 4 JPEG.jpg
Drunks burn in hell JPEG.jpg
Circle Waterfountain JPEG.jpg
Fashon Manikan 2 JPEG.jpg
faces in a crowd JPEG.jpg
Battered Lady 1 JPEG.jpg
Yo 3 JPEG.jpg
Bikini Manikan 1 JPEG.jpg
astract lines 2 JPEG.jpg
Peeling Wall 2 JPEG.jpg
Fashion posters 2 better JPEG.jpg
R0470079 Frida  2 JPEG.jpg
Staring out a Window JPEG.jpg
Shitstain JPEG 23.jpg
Lady Wall Mural Downtown 4 JPEG.jpg
Flowers that Can't Bloom 2bb JPEG 5.jpg
Suits 4 JPEG.jpg
Drunks burn in hell JPEG.jpg
Circle Waterfountain JPEG.jpg
Fashon Manikan 2 JPEG.jpg
faces in a crowd JPEG.jpg
Battered Lady 1 JPEG.jpg
Yo 3 JPEG.jpg
Bikini Manikan 1 JPEG.jpg
astract lines 2 JPEG.jpg
Peeling Wall 2 JPEG.jpg
Fashion posters 2 better JPEG.jpg

Same Ole Shit


A photo essay book based upon Frida Kahlo and how the symbolism she saw in the 1930’s and painted to, still exist today in regards to poverty, moral degradation, the rich bastards etc. Available in soft cover for $55 (104 pages and images / narrative within). The images below are a partial view of what is included. This Book is highly SYMBOLIC, so narrative plus images are used to compliment each other. Images alone do not speak to this book. This particular book is soon to be in a 'gallery exhibit' so the book complements the gallery. More information to come.

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